Founded May 12, 2006, by Barbara Timmons who saw an immediate need to help children and families with care and compassion to succeed in life.

Creative Child and Family Services Inc. (CCFS) is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Corporation that is dedicated to providing holistic, wrap around services to under resourced children, families with children with childcare needs as well as educational purposes. CCFS provides service in the following areas: improved education, childcare, healthcare, charitable services to communities, as well as reducing at risk health behaviors in Foster Care Youth,  Adolescents, and Communities.

Throughout life, youth have not been taught the skills necessary to survive on their own in the world. A staggering number of youth in foster care end up homeless, jobless and without hope for the future.

The Transitional Housing Placement Program of CCFS provides housing, help, support and life skills, to youth in foster care ages 16-18. Guidance, training and encouragement are given in areas that are key for successful adulthood including educational planning, career development, establishing and maintaining permanent housing and managing healthcare and finances.

CCFS offers a comprehensive and developed forum where individuals can discover quality life skills, social, mental, and emotional wellness, and improve their  educational, and housing conditions. Providing a safe haven for those who are in need of housing conditions, CCFS develops a "Creative" warm handoff for persons desiring housing. The goal of the Transitional Housing Placement is to help youth find and maintain permanent housing and live independently and with confidence.

CCFS' Transitional Housing Placement will form a hybrid environment of conducive learning for the intentional practice of providing care for foster/probation children to become self- sufficient, successful and an impactful contribution to society.